Although this book is probably intended for those who lead worship at their local church, I enjoyed reading this book just as a reminder about what true worship is. I particularly found this paragraph insightful:
Biblical worship involves proclamation and leads to proclaiming Gods truth with our lives. We’re doing more than emoting or having a “worship experience.” We’re declaring why God is so great, what He has accomplished, and all that He has promised. We all need to be reminded, and proclamation helps us remember.
It may be that you are simply proclaiming God’s goodness to yourself as you sing in the shower, or it may be that you are proclaiming it to your little one as you rock them and comfort them while they are teething. I do not believe that you have to proclaim to an audience in order to be glorifying God. Regardless of the context, it is our heart desiring to please God that counts. I found this book to encourage that, along with exhortation to be passionate about worship (in song) as a way of sharing truth or bringing it to mind.
This book reinforces the necessity for the words to be biblically based, particularly in corporate worship. Is what we are singing founded in Scripture, or does it simply “sound nice?” Throughout this book, Bob Kauflin gives examples of lyrics of songs that permeate with truth. Some are hymns that have been around for a century or longer, others you will recognize as being more contemporary. I found this entire book to be interesting in addition to being thought provoking, and believe it would be an excellent resource for anyone involved in church leadership or musical ministry.
* I have written this post due to my enjoyment of this book and have received no product or payment in compensation.
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