I believe this book is spot-on for today’s culture, when “finding common ground” is more valued and encouraged than standing for the sacred and fundamental truths of the Gospel. Is today’s “relevant” Christianity a true biblical portrayal of how we are to be the “salt of the earth?” Or is a more radical belief system called for? John McArthur addresses these questions in his book, “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” with firm conviction.
In this book, he wisely contrasts the response Jesus had towards those whom were genuinely seeking truth (i.e., Nicodemus) with those who were seeking to twist Christ’s words or present an errant gospel (namely the Jewish religious leaders of that day). I found the points presented to be firmly supported with Scripture, as believers are admonished to “fight the good fight” with the realization of the spiritual battle which exists – with an enemy who seeks to thwart sound doctrine, a correct view of a Holy God, and the worldview from which we live our lives.
I appreciate how McArthur sought to point out with clarity that in standing for truth we are not to look for contention or to contend over matters that are not anchored in fundamental Gospel truths (i.e., the “gray areas” or personal preferences). Rather we are to call on the Lord for wisdom in recognizing when the Gospel is at stake, being alert to false teachers and beliefs, and to then stand firmly and passionately for truth - regardless of the opposition - in the grace given to us.
*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.
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