Fearless, by Max Lucado is subtitled “Live Your Life Without Fear” and each chapter delves into various scenarios where our fears may be founded. Perhaps for some it may be their health, other fears may involve their finances, or perhaps even the fear may be unknowns in regards to an employment or relational crisis.
I found this book to be an easy read in which the author uses simple truths to draw in the reader and convey that in Christ our fears can be relieved as we place our trust in the One who is truly sovereign. The author is well known for his easygoing and even perhaps winsome way of writing as he uses parallels stories to each concept he is presenting. As the book’s own jacket review states, this book would be helpful to many as they face the trials life brings, particularly in a world-wide economic downturn. I would not consider the thoughts in this book to be very deep or new.
I found the discussion guide at the back of the book to be a very helpful addition, aiding one in perhaps using this book as a small group study or even for reading time as a family. Questions are given for each chapter to guide the readers in thinking further about each chapter and the particular fear possibility that it presents.
*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.
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