We count it a privilege and a gift (as well as a HUGE responsibility) to be able to instill in our children a love and desire for the things and ways of our Lord, even from a tender age. One way we can do this is through songs and books! :-) I'd like to share some of out favorite titles with you that we feel hold to these values we hope to fill our home with:
1. Moo, Baa, La-La-La
This is a fun little book that Chloe enjoys because we can make the animal sounds with her. I'll be quick to admit, however, that her Daddy has far more skill in this area than I!
2. Country Babies Wear Plaid
I'm not sure about every book in the Country Babies series, but we love this one for sure! Beautiful pictures of a baby enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
3. Spot Loves His Daddy
This is a precious book of a fun day that Daddy and Spot got to spend together. There is also a book titles "Spot Loves His Mommy" that is on my wishlist. They are both wonderful titles, full of gratefulness and respect.
4. The Big Red Barn
This is a well-beloved classic, and with good reason. With a calming storyline and simple illustrations, we really enjoy this book!
* I have written this post due to our enjoyment of these books and have received no product or payment in compensation.