22 December, 2010

If God is Good, by Randy Alcorn

If God is Good, written by Randy Alcorn addresses a common question that those who seek to share the good news of the Gospel may someday face – if they haven’t already! “Why would a good God create a world where so much evil exists?” or “If God is good, why is He allowing me (or my loved one, my child) to experience suffering?” These can often intimidate as we search for answers!

In this book, Randy Alcorn seeks to disband disbelief with God’s word as he tackles these and other difficult questions posed by those hurting and by Atheists who are seeking to discredit the Lord. His logic is biblical, refreshing, and realistic as he compassionately yet firmly teaches who God is and equips the reader to effectively share their faith more deeply than before.

To be honest, I have a very difficult time with reading some of the examples written of this book. When I read about atrocities committed against children, in particular, I struggle emotionally and have very vivid pictures in my mind. Because of this I need to be careful of what I allow myself to watch or read (I do not believe that this causes me to be naive or ignorant). So for others out there like myself, I would encourage you to have someone who will support you if you choose to read this book (and I will admit that because of the above issue I skimmed pages where I caught on that the subject was to be addressed). It is probably not a book I will read again, although the content and message is excellent.

*This book was gratefully received from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

Voices of the Faithful, with Beth Moore and compiled by Kim P. Davis

Voices of the Faithful: Inspiring Stories of Courage from Christians Serving Around the World, will open the readers eyes to hardships and joys experienced by countless individuals around the world who daily put their life on the line as they seek to share the good news of the Gospel with the unreached. Many of the stories in this book come from areas hostile to Christianity and to those whom profess belief in it.

As with the second book in this series (which I posted a review about earlier), I would encourage anyone who is desiring to have their prayer life for the unreached and for missionaries challenged, shook up, and set ablaze to read this book. With the ease of life and of worship we typically experience here in America, it is easy to lose realization of the persecution many undergo just to serve God or to be His. With its daily devotional format, this book will assist you to keep the world and large in your prayers and to develop fervency that the Gospel might reach every heart to the ends of the earth. The daily tales are also a reminder to me that these dear people who are overseas aren’t “super Christians” and that is why they are being actively used in God’s work. They simply desire to do whatever God wills for them and to do His work regardless of hardships they come against. Likewise, God can use my life to further His Kingdom when I desire to do all for His glory and be faithful in sharing about Him!

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


Slave, by John MacArthur

Slave, is authored by Pastor John MacArthur is an eye-opening book revealing truths of God’s Word and of a critical understanding of our standing in Him which is marred by current biblical translations of the words ebed and doulos. So often in Christian circles we are encouraged (and encourage others) to make Jesus our “personal Savior” or that “He just wants us to be happy” or there is an overemphasis on our freedom in Christ which is wrongly equated with our being able to do whatever we want. In this book, Pastor MacArthur teaches how the words ebed and doulos ought to be correctly translated as slave rather than the common translation of servant or worker.  Although this might at first glance not seem like a major deal, he wisely points out how this can steer us to incorrect theological beliefs of our relationship with God, and displace His holiness and ownership of us in that as Christians we are to be completely controlled by God and His will and doing everything with Him in mind realizing we answer completely to Him and everything about us is in His control and hands. He alone is sovereign. As you read this book, any prior misgivings about being a “slave” of God on historic slavery issues here in the United States or United Kingdom will be replaced with joy as we understand how deeply we are His.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

15 December, 2010

UnStuff, by Hayley & Michael DiMarco

UnStuff: Making Room in Your Life for What Really Matters, is co-authored by husband and wife team Hayley & Michael DiMarco, founders of Hungry Planet – a company focused on producing books and media geared for modern generations that share God’s truth regarding issues of faith and relationships. This book is an outflow of their decision to simplify life and alongside with their young daughter, focus on what really matters by taking three months to travel around the United States in an RV (recreational vehicle), visiting homeless shelters and discovering how much freedom less “things” brought along the way as they found stress lifted and their relationships strengthened.

This book addresses the strong attitude of consumerism which controls so many of us, distracting us from the things in life which really matter and becoming idols which separate us from God’s best for our lives as we find our fulfillment in things and business, while at the same time succumbing to the pressures and stress which the same items and activities incur!

I appreciate the message this couple is bringing, however I find their approach to be rather unrealistic. Even “unstuffed,” their life is rather affluent compared to the vast majority of families or readership. I personally would find it more practical and inspirational if they had downsized to a smaller scale of living post “tour,” rather than simply decluttering, taking a 3-month vacation, and then returning to life deciding to purchase used instead of new in regards to clothing and fancy cars and other items. An interesting read, however, it does not rate very high on my bookshelf.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale Press. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Voices of the Faithful, Book 2, compiled by Kim P. David & created by Beth Moore

Voices of the Faithful, Book 2 is a compilation of devotions for each day of the year that will bring the reader’s attention and prayers to the worldwide spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, particularly to the unreached people groups of Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.  Compiled by former missionary Kim P. Davis along with the series creator and well-known Bible teacher, Beth Moore, your heart will be stirred with compassion and a fervency to pray that the world may come to know the true Redeemer and Savior.

Each daily reading briefly tells the story of a new believer or of one who is sharing Christ, both in regions where religions other than true Christianity have deep strongholds.  As with the previous book in this amazing series, I was challenged  in my own Christian walk and witness, and humbled at the lack of persecution I currently have and yet my failure to witness and share the good news with the freedom I possess. It would be my hope that this book would not only continue to inspire me to prayerful action on my knees, but also that it would do the same for each reader; that as we pray for each individual we read about we would desire to pray more and to be faithful about sharing of how God has changed our lives with those we come in contact with.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


05 December, 2010

Everything Christmas, by David Bordon and Thomas J. Winters

Everything Christmas is a compilation of various Christmas recipes, songs, and stories. I loved the vintage feel of the stories which spanned a variety of times and ethnic origins. There were many fun aspects of this book, I especially enjoyed reading about how different cultures celebrate Christmas and how this book shared recipes and ideas for incorporating that particular celebration into one your family could enjoy. I do plan on trying many of the recipes, even during other times of the year.  They did look tasty! And I enjoyed reading the various poems and holiday carols which the editors chose to include. Although the book may seem to "jump around" since there is so much material included, I can imagine that that format may seem fresh and engaging, particularly to a generation with a shorter attention span.

The stories were heartfelt and many were tales which I hadn't read before. That is saying something for originality since I adore Christmas books and read every one I can obtain! I particularly enjoyed the story of the Appalachian boy who found family on Christmas Day. I cried - but I'm known for being a bit on the weepy side at times! Oh, well!

*This book was gratefully received from WaterBrook Press Publishers at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


04 December, 2010

Lies the Government Told You, by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

Lies the Government Told You, written by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, is a book written for those interested in government and civic affairs as well as for those who cherish the rights given to us through our Constitution and desire that our government and the laws and regulations they put into order truly protect and honor our rights. Once you begin reading this book, you won’t be able to put it down until you’ve turned the last page!

Although dishonesty and politicians are often assumed to be inseparable, that ought not to be the case. In this book, Judge Napolitano brings to the reader’s attention a variety of ways where the American people have been deceived in order to bring awareness of the truth behind the laws and heart of this land – whether the famous line “All men are created equal,” to the more current Patriot Act, which robs Americans of freedom in their personal lives and homes under the pretense of patriotism and heroicness. Even though I am not the most informed regarding current and past government affairs, I found this entire book to be riveting as a gleaned from a Judge with a passion for history, freedom, and governmental integrity. If only we could elect more officials like him!

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

Seeds of Turmoil, by Bryant Wright

Seeds of Turmoil, written by  Pastor Bryant Wright, is a fascinating book telling of the biblical roots of the crisis in the Middle East. Through historical and biblical illustrations, the reader will discover that although the conflict rages today, it is hardly a new trouble that brews. Beginning with Abraham’s disobedience to the Lord in taking matters into his own hands of means of providing himself an heir, the author skillfully traces through the ages the conflict and God’s hand amidst it all. Not only will you gain understanding of the relationship between the Jewish and Islamic religions, but also of the differences between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

I found this book to be very well written and appreciate the added insights the author provided through maps and scriptural references. He addresses the issue of Middle Eastern conflict with honesty, respect, and boldness. With a subject that can at times be frightening and unknown, he provided a faith-building narrative that will bring wisdom, hope, and renewed faith that the Lord is sovereign over all the affairs of men. This book will give the reader renewed focus for praying for the nation of Israel and all Jews, as well as for Christian believers and for Muslims as we await the second coming of Jesus Christ.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


22 November, 2010

The Secrets Beneath, by Kathleen Fuller

The Secrets Beneath, is a fictional mystery novel for girls written by Kathleen Fuller. The story-line centers on Bekah, a thirteen-year-old girl whose family is a part of the old-order Amish and who is known for her curiosity! When strange things start going on in her hometown of Middlefield, Ohio, she can hardly stand it. Why is her new neighbor acting so strange? Why has her cousin Amanda suddenly comes to live with them, without anyone telling Bekah why and what is causing her cousin to be so sad?  In this book, the reader is caught up with Bekah as she determines to discover the answers to her questions, even though she becomes entangled with danger.

I found this book to be mediocre. (However, I am quite critical when it comes to fiction.) I was disappointed by the storyline being as anticipated and of the heroin’s lack of obedience to her parents and thoughtlessness, though I thought the book did an excellent job of portraying their correct response towards her and of the relationship particularly between Bekah and her mother. Another quality of the book that I appreciated, was how it left the reader with an understanding of another’s pain as Bekah grappled with her cousin Amanda’s heartache, and the realization of how crucial it is to always treat others with the compassion of Christ since we can never fully know what they may be facing during that time in their life.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


02 November, 2010

Truth That Sticks, by Avery T. Willis, Jr. and Mark Snowden

Truth That Sticks: How to Communicate Velcro Truths in a Teflon World, is written by Avery T. Willis, Jr. and Mark Snowden, both skilled communicators with a heart to reach the unsaved world with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through this book, they present an approach to communicating the truths of God’s Word through storytelling and other means of relating to oral learners, giving the argument that much of today’s American modes of evangelism and church discipleship follow routes viewed as more of a literary approach with linear thoughts and expository preaching. They state that this is necessary, not only for the unreached people groups of the world who are unable to read and often may not even have any sort of written language available, but also for the growing number of Americans who are unskilled at reading and are accustomed to visual or auditory means of communication through movies, etc. or other methods which often allow for a very short attention span.

In the chapters of this book you will find examples of this style of evangelism at work, changing lives as Gospel truths are grasped. It also gives practical helps, questions, and advice for those desiring to implement in the way they communicate to those around them. I found the authors to be excellent teachers, drawing from years of experience in guiding churches, mission agencies, and individuals. I think this is a valuable read for all believers who desire to spread the Good News, and it’s message will assist me in teaching my children as well sharing with others.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Then Sings My Soul: Special Edition, by Robert J. Morgan

Then Sings My Soul: Special Edition, is written by Robert J. Morgan and is a wonderful book for music lovers, appreciators of hymns, and for those desiring to share a beautiful gift with others. Organized in such fashion that each hymn seems to form its own chapter, the reader will discover the stories behind the hymns being read or sung as they learn about the author or circumstances that brought about the writing of that particular hymn. Although I found many of the hymns selected for this particular edition to be familiar, there were some that were previously unknown to me, and I loved the variety of text which the author chose. Altogether there are 150 Christmas, Easter, and oft-favorite hymns and stories included.

The format of the book is clearly understandable and easy to follow, and I liked the special touch that was gained through having the page edging left textured and unfinished (even though I did notice that it often caused the pages to stick). Musicians and vocalists will also appreciate that, rather than simply printing the words to the hymns, the author chose to print them along with the sheet music as if found in a hymnal. I loved having the chance to become acquainted with this lovely book through this review offer.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

On This Day in Christian History, by Robert J. Morgan


On This Day in Christian History, is authored by Robert J. Morgan and is written in a year-long format which will invite the reader to daily be introduced to a preacher, pope, martyr, Christian hero, or saint, as glimpses are caught of their life and devotion to Christ through the text. I found the variety to be fascinating as it spanned church history from the early beginnings to Billy Graham, the beloved preacher. My faith was challenged as I read the trials and joys so contentedly received from God’s hand by these men and women of faith, knowing that the same grace is available to me as I lead up the Lord and look to Him during anything I might face (which pales in comparison to the stories I read).

Some stories are whimsical and some are tragic and heartbreaking, but each one will draw you to emotionally grasp a bit of the thought and motives of historic names oft heard of but often separated from the reality that they were actual people with desires just like yours and mine. As I read I was challenged and inspired as I read of their lives, and renewed with desire to be sold out for the Lord Jesus.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


27 October, 2010

A Child's Introduction to Tea

This was a charming and simple book in which children will learn some basics of tea and the joys of partaking it with friends. I loved the illustrations! Whether basic etiquette to table settings to conversational skills, this books depicts wonderfully the art of tea. I can hardly wait until my little girl is old enough to share tea parties with her dolls and myself!

This book can be found HERE.

* I received a complimentary copy of A Child's Introduction to Tea as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit dorrancebookstore.com to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

I Lift Up My Soul, by Charles Stanley

I Lift Up My Soul, written by Pastor Charles Stanley, is a year-long devotional compiled with the desire of drawing the reader into a deeper knowing of the Lord. Each day you will discover, or be reminded of, truths of God and our relationship with Him as you read an excerpt from one of Dr. Stanley's earlier books. Although I had heard him speak before, I hadn't personally read any of his books, so I was interested in obtaining this particular one and was happy that Booksneeze chose to make it available.

To truly gain the message as the author intends, these type of books are best read slowly in their daily format, but even with quickly reading it through I was impressed by the wisdom, depth (considering each day covers only a page), and variety of topics found within. Each day is based upon a select Scripture reading as well as a key verse. Though these devotionals ought to never take the place of spending time alone in God's Word hearing directly from Him, I see this particular book as an excellent way to draw ones focus onto the Redeemer of our Soul, and will look forward to taking a moment sometime during the day to read the daily passage.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


21 October, 2010

God’s Mighty Acts in Creation, by Starr Meade

God’s Mighty Acts in Creation, is written by Starr Meade who guides children in exploring the six days of creation as they learn more about their heavenly Father and learn to see Him in the world around them. Written for ages 8-12, this book would be suitable as a devotional to be read to children of any age – I greatly enjoyed it myself! It is an excellent book for every family to own and learn from.

The book consists of forty-five short chapters, each containing a Scripture passage and application questions, and is divided into the six days of creation. I love how the author didn’t just simply stop there, rather, she uses these six days as a springboard from which to explore many passages taken from throughout the Bible, all tying in to that particular day while teaching who God is. For example, your children will discover ways we can serve and love the Lord, truths of His character and provision, ways we can bring Him glory through our lives, His sovereignty (and even creatively shows an example for each day of how God usurped the “normal” to show His power, such as how Daniel was kept safe from the lions when he was cast into the den), and the message of salvation.

I appreciated the author’s obvious heart for children and her concern in teaching them solid truths of God and His Word. She uses descriptive imagery to capture the reader’s attention as she shares her love of the gospel with them through the words she thoughtfully penned.

Check out some other fantastic reviews at www.crossway.org/blog!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Crossway Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Topical Memory System, developed by The Navigators

Topical Memory System, developed by The Navigators here in Colorado Springs, is an excellent tool for helping us to store up the Word of God in our hearts. I was excited about the possibility of reviewing this item because memorization is something I struggle with, and am eager for help! This system includes a 30-week workbook, a vinyl verse card holder, and 60 printed Scripture verses on various topics of importance to a believer such as Living the New Life, Proclaiming Christ, Relying on God’s Resources, Being Christ’s Disciples, and Growing in Christ-likeness.  Each verse is printed on eight separate cards, each one with a different translation. The translations currently included in this system are: NIV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, MSG, ESV, NRSV & NLT.

Although I’ve found that for me, writing the verse down myself on an index card helps me recall it better, the idea and goal of daily memorization and meditation is the same. I really liked how the workbook that comes as a part of this system guides the user as they learn to make this a daily part of their life, and as they experience the growth and joy that comes as you treasure of the Word of God.  It is very easy to understand, and they offer much insight into reflection on the various topics. By using the approach of 1-2 verses a week and having it on an individual compact card, one will find that it is very convenient to simply review throughout the day. Thank you, NavPress, for making this available!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


18 October, 2010

The Grace of God, by Andy Stanley

The Grace of God, authored by Pastor Andy Stanley (of Atlanta, Georgia), is a study taken from many of his sermons on grace and will allow you to delve into this truth of God as you discover His grace in your life and how it manifests itself through scripture passages, lives written of in the Bible, and in your own heart.  You will encounter many individuals of various backgrounds who experienced the grace of God in their lives in remarkable ways, whether King David, or the Samaritan woman at the well.

I like that - partly due in large measure to the fact that the chapters were derived from sermons - this book is thoughtfully concise and in written with remarkable depth into gaining a heart for the ways of God. My faith was encouraged as I read, and I was challenged to have a heart pure before the Lord, to be a vessel of honor which his grace can pour through, not just for myself, but to those He sovereignly places in my daily life. A wonderful read for every believer, as well as for the searching soul who is wondering if God really can work in a life that is far from perfect – which of course the answer to that can only be a resounding and firm “yes!”

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


16 October, 2010

Really Wooly Bible Stories, by Bonnie Rickner Jensen

Really Wooly Bible stories, is written by Bonnie Rickner Jensen who uses whimsical poetry and simple words to tell well-known Bible stories to young children. Perhaps recognizing the lovable lamb, rabbit and duck from other “Wooly” books, a child will read or hear about Creation, Jonah, the birth and resurrection of Jesus, as well as other favorite stories. Julie Sawyer Phillips, using a blend of soft and vibrant colors, which may provide interest to even the youngest of children, illustrates each story. I read several of poems to my 1-year old daughter, and well… she especially enjoyed seeing the lamb. But what can one expect from a young child who loves to make farm sounds?

The format for this children’s book is the common hard “board book” style, with the exception that the cover is padded. I admit that I have my doubts as to its durability, but then we are working on trying to teach our child to treat books gently, so it might just be me. J  This book would be a wonderful welcome-to-our-world, baptism, or dedication gift for a precious newborn baby, and would also be appreciated by older toddlers and even early readers with the singsong rhymes.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


11 October, 2010

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity, by Cynthia Heald

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity, written by Cynthia Heald is the second of her devotional books for women that I have had the pleasure to review. As a mother to young children, I was grateful for the assurance that this godly mentor provided through her book to me, in that she esteemed this “simple though lonely” time in my life where I am able to love on my husband and children without the pressure of ministry or outside work commitments. That it is okay for me to have them as my focus and keep my heart before the Lord through personal times of devotion and quietness, even in my calendar isn’t full with things other than laundry, dirty diapers, dishes and dinner, and doctor appointments.

This devotional would be appropriate for a woman of any age, and can be completed either in one’s own personal time or during times of fellowship with others as you work through it together. Each of the eleven chapters include “Words From an Older Woman” (based off of the command for the older women to train the younger), Scripture verses for meditation and further insight, questions and suggestions for applications and reflection, suggested memory passages, and applicable quotes from other Christian authors. I enjoyed this book and will definitely be going through the devotional again as the truths and concepts are essential yet ones I can so quickly forget when life is busy or I’m feeling lost in obscurity.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


The International Children’s Bible Holy Bible

The International Children’s Bible Holy Bible is designed and formatted especially for children and written in a language geared towards a third grade reading level. This particular edition has many vivid illustrations portraying various bible stories, created in a way to artistically capture a child’s attention and imagination.

I would have preferred that this Bible be hardcover bound, seeing how kids can be with books, particularly one that they will be encouraged to reach for daily. I feel that, being paperback, it has the potential to wear too quickly. But that is simply personal preference and I do like the vivid red chosen for the cover, which will aid a child in quickly recognizing which Bible is his or hers. Additionally, I’m also not sure that having an edition like this is really necessary. I read the New King James version from a very young age and did not have difficulty understanding, and when the time comes for my daughter to be at the age to being reading, I want her to be unafraid of difficult words. My wife and I are excited about taking time to teach them to her and explain them so she understands their meaning and concept. So seemingly difficult words, especially theological, would only serve as springboards for discussion, even though we will probably give her an ESV edition in her favorite color.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


30 September, 2010

Battle Ready Moms Raising Battle Ready Kids, by Reba Bowman

Battle Ready Moms Raising Battle Ready Kids, is written by Reba Bowman, and is an outgrowth of her ministry Dare For More Ministries. Through her ministry and work as a coach, professor, and dean of women, she has had opportunity to interact and disciple women of all ages and is excited to challenge them to a deeper walk with the Lord.

Written for mothers, particularly those who have children in the younger formative ages, this book is an encouragement to seek after the heart of your child and lead them in God’s ways as we view parenting in our culture from a biblical mindset. I appreciated how she spoke from her heart about the importance of training up our children to “fight the good fight” with wisdom and very clear godly directives for their life. In this book, you will read about the importance of discipline, the importance of rules and guidelines (and a mutual understanding between a parent and child as to why they exist), the importance of honest and open communication about friends and morality, and the importance of encouraging character in our child’s lives. Our children are precious gifts from the Lord and nothing is more important than their souls. I appreciated how this book reinforced the earnest necessity of our relationship with the Lord, as well as praying for our children that they would have a personal and vibrancy as they recognize their sin and their need for the Lord as Savior.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Xulon Press. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

City On Our Knees, by TobyMac

City On Our Knees: If We Gotta Start Somewhere Why Not Here, is a collection of stories compiled by TobyMac, a Grammy Award-winning artist, producer, and songwriter. His desire through this book, and the song of the same title, is to inspire a passion in believers to take on our communities for Christ - regardless of position, ethnicity, social or financial statues, or life choice.

Each story is actually a mini-biographical sketch of someone who was willing to sacrifice, or use whatever the Lord had given to them, in order to make a difference for the Kingdom. The stories chosen span history, bringing the reader to early church history, to the Welsh and early North American revivals, to college youth willing to give their lives to reveal the atrocity of Hitler’s regime and save lives, to a young girl battling a life-long terminal illness who through her lemonade stands (and the ones it encouraged) continues to make a huge contribution to finding cures and relief for other children even though her condition claimed her life at age eight, to a wealthy family who was willing to adopt one who was a social minority in their community, to a family adopting an African child and taking on the task of financially supporting his whole orphanage with the help of others, etc.

This book has a very contemporary feel to it (the cover and slipcover made me dizzy), and I can see youth who are familiar with his music (I actually didn’t know who he was), showing keen interest in it. However, all of us ought to take its message and words to heart and honestly, I really enjoyed reading the stories he compiled and was greatly challenged by them. His heart for people exudes through this book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers (A division of Baker Publishing Group). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

28 September, 2010

The Strategically Small Church, by Brandon J. O'Brian

The Strategically Small Church, written by Brandon J. O’Brian, is a vividly marked difference from the popular church-grown strategies developed or popularized by America’s mega churches and dreamed of or wished for by smaller churches. But is it God’s best for a church to be large? Could it be that a smaller church may be a better expression of God’s heart for our current world and better equipped for both believer discipleship and outreach for the salvation of the unsaved? What ought a pastor to be striving towards in regards to the people, and even more, the Lord, whom he serves?

The author speaks from his experience as a twice-former pastor to small congregations and is currently editor-at-large for Leadership Journal and their accompanying blog, Out of Ur. He is also working toward his doctoral degree in Church History, studying at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

I found his book, The Strategically Small Church, to be well-written and based and believe that it will be a welcome encouragement to the small-church pastor who is striving to serve the Lord wholeheartedly along with a congregation who keeps the Lord at the center of their worship, lives and outreach. For truly, their work is not in vain! Nor are they in the wrong, regardless of whether they experience any large measure of growth. For even though overall, there are small churches to be found that are small due to pride, a failure to keep the Lord at the center, or lack of God’s Word alive through message and lives, numbers alone cannot state the health of a church body. A church can be vibrant and God-glorifying even if the count on Sunday may only be 150 or even 20. This book also gives suggestions to the pastor who finds himself serving a larger congregation, giving him ways to keep their ministry and worship authentic and God-focused and their ministries relevant to the needs in their particular community.

A worthwhile read for every pastor or layperson desiring to serve the Lord through church involvement.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers (A division of Baker Publishing Group). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Becoming a Woman of Faith, by Cynthia Heald

Becoming a Woman of Faith, written by Cythia Heald, is a devotional study for women of all ages and walks of life who desire for their faith to be challenged, strengthened, and encouraged. Basing the text and chapters primarily off of Romans 12, she walks the reader through many Scriptures, quotes from great Christians, and attributes of faith.

I liked the 11-week study format the author chose, in that each chapter begins with a brief lesson or message, and is followed by application as you delve into selected Scripture passages, questions for personal review and consideration, and a time of focused prayer. Although the topic and concept is a deep one to be sure, the study allows for anyone to participate, as it seems to me that the study parts of it could be completed in a rather short time, though one certainly wouldn’t want to rush through it as much insight could be gained by putting a fair amount of time towards the study of God’s word as she has prepared. As written, this study would be easily incorporated into one’s personal devotional time, or studied alongside others (which would also offer the added benefit of accountability to finish!).

This study is one of several written by the author, the others being: Becoming a Woman of Simplicity, Becoming a Woman of Excellence, Becoming a Woman of Freedom, Becoming a Woman of Prayer & Becoming a Woman of Purpose.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Money Strategies for Tough Times, by Matt Bell

Money Strategies for Tough Times, is written by Matt Bell, an author and speaker who also serves as director of Willow Creek Associations Good $ense financial ministry. Having experienced times of financial distress in his own life, his passion for leading others to discover freedom in personal finance stems from the lessons he learned along the way, and of the joy that being debt-free has brought to his life, family and ministry.

I found the concepts he presents to be sound and realistic. He gives brief overviews of financial struggles he has helped with through his ministry, and used them to springboard topics of financial interest and concern - whether it be student loans, emergency reserve, credit card debt, medical debt, bankruptcy, etc. He challenges the reader to view their personal responsibility for the incurring financial trouble, gives points and encouragement to overcoming, and then recommendations to protect against repeating the painful journey.

However, this book wouldn’t be on the top of my list of personal-finance recommendations. During this time of economic downturn and turmoil, it seems that everyone who can spell is writing a book on finances, and even though what they say may be true – there are, in my opinion, better resources already available.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

22 September, 2010

Love and Respect For a Lifetime, by Dr. Emerson Eggrichs

Love and Respect For a Lifetime, written by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is a compilation of excerpts from his best-selling title Love and Respect, alongside Scripture quotations in a beautifully designed gift album edition. I loved how they made this entire book so easily read and beautiful, using creative design to highlight the truths so vital to a marriage that satisfies and brings joy to the couple and furthermore glory to the Lord – that being a husband needs to know he is unconditionally respected and a wife needs to know she is unconditionally loved (by each other).

Having been familiar with these marriage truths prior to my own wedding, I was eager to see how this gift edition would “measure up” to the real book. I was not disappointed. Even thought I will continue to highly recommend his original writing of Love and Respect, I will also be delighted to give this edition as a wedding gift to friends as well as to have in our own personal library for quick reference and reminder. I am so grateful for Dr. Eggerichs’ teaching, taken straight from Scriptural teaching and years of marriage counseling, for how it has impacted my own view of marriage – particularly how I view and relate to my husband. I think this book is an excellent resource for wives like myself who desire to be more than simply their husband’s lover, but also a true friend and companion, building him up to be the man of God the Lord has called him to be.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

<a href="http://booksneeze.com/reviews/blogger/14850?ref=badge"><img alt="I review for BookSneeze" src="http://booksneeze.com/images/booksneeze_badge.png" border="0" width="200" height="150"></a>

The Nativity Collection, by Robert J. Morgan

The Nativity Collection, written by Robert J. Morgan, is a heart-warming selection of original Christmas stories penned by the author and read to his congregation during the yearly Christmas Eve service, one story each year. Bound in a beautiful gift-edition are six of these stories, together forming a collection that would be a welcome gift or a wonderful addition to one’s one holiday coffee table or bookshelf. As one who gleefully collects Christmas books ranging from serious to whimsical, I was excited when this particular volume became available for review.

I enjoyed reading the stories, beginning with the tale of how Ollie acquired his World War II era nativity snow-globe, to the grandfather and grandson braving an Appalachian blizzard during the Depression, to the newlywed couple rediscovering love and tenderness, to the Swiss woodcarver who discovered the Judean Lamb of God as Savior. Each story is a beautiful reminder to cherish the simple things of life that the Lord has given to us in family, health, and most of all, Himself. I also enjoyed the charming illustrations scattered throughout the book as well as the artistically designed glossy pages with easy to read typeset. Wonderful Christmas edition that is sure to be enjoyed by all ages! 

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

<a href="http://booksneeze.com/reviews/blogger/15454?ref=badge"><img alt="I review for BookSneeze" src="http://booksneeze.com/images/booksneeze_badge_sm.png" border="0" width="125" height="125"></a>

21 September, 2010

How to Stay Christian in College, by J. Budziszewski

How to Stay Christian in College, is written by J. Budziszewski, a professor of government and theology at the University of Texan and well-known contributing author of articles on Boundless, an online magazine and website for college-aged young adults produced by Focus on the Family.

This book is written for those currently enrolled in college, those who are considering college, and those who care about either group and desire to lift them up in prayer. With the decline of morality and biblical worldview in today’s world at large, it ought not to be a surprise that often the greeting towards believers at a college or university is hostile, rather than welcoming. The rate of young adults leaving the Christian faith of their youth is quite saddening and alarming. Professor Budziszwski address through this book some reasons for this tragedy, as well as truths that one can grip to in order to guard their hearts and souls, to be a light for Christ when faced with ridicule or challenges to your faith.

This book reminded me of foundation truths, challenging me in my resolve and faith. Was I firm in my worldview, having it centered on the infallible Word of God? Was I allowing little disbeliefs or even worse, my own ideas, to replace what God had said to be true? An excellent resource to direct our thoughts towards truths about God and to further our concern for those around us to have their lives saturated with the work and saving grace of the Lord.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Great Parents Lousy Lovers, by Gary Smalley with Ted Cunningham

Great Parents Lousy Lovers, by Gary Smalley with Ted Cunningham, is written in the typical enjoyable-to-read fashion for which this popular marriage & family author and speaker is well-known for. This book is for those, like myself, who find themselves with the demands of a busy home life with energetic children, as the authors implore parents to put their own relationship first, and to be an example to their children of what a fulfilling marriage can be, thus avoiding many pitfalls and hardships that can easily spring up unawares. They share from personal lessons and examples of how they learned that it is possible to be both a great parent and a great lover, as long as they were sure to put God at the forefront and abide by biblical roles for husbands, wives, and children. Having a daughter of my own, I couldn’t help but smile at the illustration given by Ted to his own young daughter as he explained to her that in their home, Mommy was the Queen, but that she as the daughter got to be the princess – a little girl’s dream fulfilled while at the same time reinforcing a very important truth!

Engaging and sometimes rather witty, we laughed as we read the subtitles of each chapter, which were along the lines of “You might be a Great Parent but a Lousy Lover if…” I believe this book would be helpful for all couples to read, and even though I may not agree with all the “reasons” that might cause you to perhaps be “a lousy lover,” I still think there are many great truths and principles in this book that all husbands and wives can apply in their marriage as they seek to grow in their love for each other.

*This book was gratefully received from Tyndale Press at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

I Review For The Tyndale Blog Network

20 September, 2010

Daddy's Delight - Blog Spot Tour

I enjoy reading book written especially for Christian women and was excited to see this book become available on Blog Spot Tour. I was unfamiliar with the author, but I respected other books that Moody had published, so I eagerly requested a review copy.

Daddy’s Delight: Embracing Your Divine Design, was written by Dr. Karia Bunting, who teaches a Bible study at the Dallas church she attends in addition to serving as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist University. She is also a faithful wife to her husband George, and mother of their three grown children.

In her book, Daddy’s Delight, Dr. Bunting encourages women of all ages to seek God’s best for their lives. I particularly appreciated the emphasis she gave to being home with ones children during their foundational years and how being a homemaker is a worthy calling. She lifted up the role of mother, wife and server to new heights, reminding us that when God leads us down a certain path for our lives, His grace is sufficient for us to walk joyful and satisfied about our day’s work. She led us to search our hearts for ways that we were shutting out God’s redeeming work in our lives. She wrote on so many crucial aspects of our lives as women, it is difficult to condense it to a brief review! Overall, this book is written with an overwhelming attitude of prayer and wisdom and I found it greatly encouraging and full of Scripture. Definitely a worthwhile read for every woman seeking to glorify the Lord with her life.

Learn more about the author HERE at her website or HERE at her blog.

Daddy's Delight may be found and purchased on Amazon HERE.

You’ll also want to check out these other blogger reviews for this title HERE.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for free from Moody Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

13 September, 2010

Coffee Shop Conversations - Win A $25 Starbucks Giftcard!

I was interested in reading and reviewing Coffee Shop Conversations because I desire to make my conversations count for eternity. I have many unsaved relatives and want to be a light to them and share the gospel, but I didn’t know how to guide the conversation towards spiritual matters other than relative faith. The authors, Dale and Jonalyn Fincher, have a heart for conversational evangelism in which we gain a hearing to share how God is working in our lives or teaching us things through genuine care and concern for those God places in our lives as we go about our daily activities while at the same not compromising on foundational doctrines and truth. They reside in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and together speak and write nationally for the organization they founded called Soulation (www.soulation.org ).

I enjoyed this book even though having only read it once I feel as if I have simply caught a glimpse of the message which they desire to teach through this writing. And though I see value in other means of evangelism as well, I think that conversational evangelism is something that we believers are afraid to encounter as it includes building relationships that are a costly, though worthwhile, investment into the lives of others. We fear being shut out or mocked for our beliefs, and perhaps often, we aren’t really sure what it IS that we believe. So, I view this book as a tool for us believers to read, prayerfully consider, and then incorporate into our own lives – from learning to truly read and study the Bible, to rightly applying it to our life, to avoiding cliché terms and using words which portray biblical concepts and truths accurately, to learning to listen compassionately and be non-judgmental (not saying here that we have to agree or seek to discover common ground), to wisely disengaging from unprofitable rabbit-trails to the issues that really matter, etc. I found the content engaging and was interested that, according to the recommendations found in the beginning pages, the associate professor of Evangelism and Leadership at Wheaton College is planning to incorporate this book into his evangelism courses.

Learn more about the authors HERE at their website.

Coffee Shop Conversations may be found and purchased on Amazon HERE.

You'll also want to check out these other blogger reviews for this title HERE.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for free from Zondervan Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

1) Leave a comment on the tour post* to be entered into a drawing for a $25 Starbucks Gift Certificate.
2) For up to two additional entries, follow the Finchers on Twitter (http://twitter.com/soulation) AND/OR tweet about this contest using the hashtag #soulation. Let us know you did in the comments of the tour post*.
3) For another entry, "like" the Finchers on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/soulation) and tell us in the comments in the tour post*.

*Please note the tour post is http://www.blogtourspot.com/2010/09/coffee-shop-conversations, not the post on this blog.

10 September, 2010

Outlive Your Life, by Max Lucado

Outlive Your Life, written by Max Lucado, is a part of a collection of books (spanning various ages) he wrote designed to remind today’s culture that we were made to make a difference, with the proceeds benefiting families and children through the compassion of World Vision. I was challenged by this writing to see needs around me and pray as to how I could meet them for the glory of God and to present a tangible evidence of His love to a lost world, particularly those who are unable to stand-up for themselves, such as the sick, the elderly, the third world, and especially children.

I appreciated how Mr. Lucado chose to pursue more than simply laying a how-to inspirational message for getting out and doing good. He dove to the core of the reader’s heart, encouraging us to examine our motives. He exhorts us to focus on the Lord, asking Him to search us (Ps. 139:23-24) and stating, “Do good things. Just don’t do them to be noticed. You can be too good for your own good, you know.” He challenges us not draw attention to acts of compassion that we do, or acts of worship to our Savior, or to “good Christian” things we do. Did you enjoy singing hymns as you drove to the destination of your family’s vacation? Enjoy the memory privately and don’t use it as propaganda for your “own holiness!” He also challenges us to set aside hypocrisy, to be the individuals God wisely created us to be, without feeling like we have to put on a façade to measure up or be accepted. Excellent book, but particularly for those in (or seeking to be in) ministry, to remind us of the heart issues that can so quickly become ugly and self-absorbed and need to be brought before the all-knowing throne of whom we serve to be tested and tried.

As a side note, I also enjoyed reading his testimony and how his college roommate, Steve Green, impacted his life. I had no idea!

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

I review for BookSneeze

08 September, 2010

Your Money God's Way, by Amie Streater

Your Money God’s Way: Overcoming the 7 Money Myths that Keep Christians Broke, written by Amie Streater, was a book that I requested to review because it sounded interesting and as a couple about to celebrate our 2nd anniversary and dreaming of someday owning our own home, well, money is something we think and talk about a lot!

I believe this book is am important read and its words ought to be considered prayerfully by every Christian individual or couple desiring to honor God through their stewardship of the resources (money, time, etc.) He has given to them. The author will leave you challenged and even perhaps slightly bruised as she is unafraid to delve into heart issues and wrong theology while giving you hope that through wisdom you can obtain a lifestyle that is debt-free (note: I did not say wealthy) and that will glorify God as we are released to live life as He intended– a life marked by contentment, generosity, and peace regardless of income or status (she makes a clear distinction about what she is talking about, contrasting it against what is commonly known as the “Prosperity Gospel”). How often have we said or heard… “God will provide” or “If we are faithful, God will bless?” Often the worst thing about lies or counterfeit theology is that they begin with a beautiful promise or truth from God, but are then turned into something we use to justify wrong actions or discontent lifestyles. Sadly, we believers are too often guilty of using God’s word or God’s work or “good boy labels” to hide our sinfulness and pride. She states that whether we make $300 a month, or $3000 a month, we can still experience freedom in our financial lives if we are willing to do things according to what the Bible teaches. May not always be fun! It may mean lots of hard working hours, simple meals, never eating out or having a getaway, choosing to live below your means in regards to a vehicle or housing or appearance, or even giving up certain privileges for a bit (she uses a situation of a stay-at-home mom as an example), but the result is well worth the short-term pain (and yes, I say that as one who is currently looking forward to and praying for the result)!

I have been blessed and challenged by a family that I had the pleasure of knowing while I was in Chicago. They had three small children (like all under the age of 4), she stayed at home in their tiny apartment with them, he was a student in the midst of graduate work at Seminary, they only made enough to cover basic necessities and did not receive any assistance – yet they were joyful, content, and debt-free; paying their way through school and looking for ways to bless others around them. Sure, it meant he worked a ton of hours (resulting in him only being able to be a part-time student at times) and they weren’t able to be involved in school choirs or school social events (though they did serve faithfully and quietly at church), she took on a couple piano students to help cover expenses, they owned one economical car (and gave away their vehicle when the purchase of a larger one became necessary-they were incredibly generous!), and visits to faraway family and friends were rare – but they viewed it as God’s calling for them in that particular time of their life, and were testimonies to His faithfulness that when He calls, He WILL provide. They were very humble and loving and their faith in God was evident to those who befriended them. Imagine if every Christian family- and particularly those of us in full-time service or training- were like that! I think the impact for Christ would be huge!

Here is an excerpt from the preface that I believe is smack on:
“…in order for God to bless you and change your circumstances, you have to be willing to change yourself, or more specifically, your heart, your head, and your convictions. Because if your money is messed up, the problem really isn’t your money; it’s you. That may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. Here’s why: in Matthew 6:25-31, Jesus promised that our Heavenly Father will meet all of our needs. Sure, hard times will come, and bad things will occasionally happen to good people, but if you are in a systematic pattern of not having enough, it is not because God is not providing for you, it is because you are not managing what He has already given to you.”

I recommend this book because it will guide us as believers to align our thoughts towards finances and how we out to handle them with what Scriptures teach. God’s Word certainly isn’t vague on the subject! I would also recommend Faith-Based Family Finances as a follow-up, which will lead you into the “how” of managing finances wisely and for the glory of God as well as answer many questions. I am so grateful for the resources God has available to help us grow in this area; I personally learn so much from them!

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

I review for BookSneeze

07 September, 2010

The Church History ABC's, by Stephen J. Nichols and Ned Bustard

Church History ABC’s, written Stephen J. Nichols and Ned Bustard, is a delightfully captivating book written to expose children to a variety of great Christian leaders of the faith from history. Many of the individuals were leaders in the Reformation but overall they come from all walks of life, differing times in history, and having lived in various countries from all over the world. The compilation is wonderful. I am excited and grateful to be able to include this book in the collection we are building for our children.

As the reader follows the alphabet, beginning with Augustine and ending with Ulrich Zwingli, they will be introduced to each leader, learning new facts about who they were and what they are known for. Each leader is illustrated alongside whimsical drawings or animals or objects that coincide with his or her particular letter. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and the colorful pages riveted the attention of my 1-year old daughter as I read it aloud to her. Both children and parents alike will appreciate the simple biographies and timeline found at the back of this book, to gain further insight into how and when these heroes of the faith glorified the Lord through their lives. Excellent and enjoyable!

Further information on obtaining this book for your own library, as well as links to more reviews of this title written by others in the home school blogging community may be found at: www.crossway.org/blog . Also, check out the author’s website designed specifically for this book, where you can discover and utilize a variety of tools to further engage children in the lessons and concepts taught through downloadable activities. Their website can be found at www.churchhistoryabcs.com .

*This book was gratefully received from Crossway Publishers at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

The Boy Who Changed the World, by Andy Andrews

The Boy Who Changed the World, by Andy Andrews, is an enjoyably engaging tale of the lives of four boys who grew to become men who made a difference in the lives of many others - especially in the lives of each other. The text is thoughtfully written for young children and the entire book is filled with lovely and colorful illustrations by Philip Hurst.

Too often children are left to idolize movie or television characters, fictional heroes or heroines, and superpowers which, thought they may be fun to dream about and can at times offer valuable lessons, cannot compare with the lives and legacies of real people who truly existed and have stories to tell that actually occurred. I applaud authors such as Andy Andrews for writing a work to offer children both excitement while showing that history is not boring! As I read the short tales from the lives of Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug, Vice President Henry Wallace, inventor George Washington Carver (whole life alone is a must-discover for every child to inspire faith in the Lord and creativity with the simplest of items), and farmer Moses Carver, I was reminded of how our lives and actions effect others. Additionally, I (and hopefully all other readers), was inspired to make each moment and choice or decision count - not simply for the common good or benefit of others - but for eternity and for the glory of God.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

I review for BookSneeze

29 August, 2010

Intercessors Arise, by Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise, written by Debbie Przybylski is a compilation of concepts taught through the ministry of the same name, which was birthed in Debbie’s heart during her time serving as a missionary with Operation Mobilization and began in the aftermath of 9/11 as she encourages others to seek after God’s own heart and cultivate a life of confident intercessory prayer. I was deeply challenged not just to build and strengthen intercessory prayer in my own life, but also to spend more time in just stillness and quietness of heart before my Father.

Through much personal learning, growth and insight, the author shares truths about pursuing God’s own heart, increasing in faith, having a life of purity and character, treasuring and praying back to the Lord from Scriptures, the importance of forgiveness in a believer’s life, having a heart of compassion, the essentialness of waiting patiently and prayerfully for God to work, interceding for revival and other keys to effective and life-changing intercessory prayer. She gives further insight by including excerpts and quotations from various Godly authors and great Christians.

With the soul-searching application questions and prayer and the close of each chapter, this book would be excellent to be read during times of personal devotion following time in the Word and will also aid in implementing truths that you learn as you read through this book into your life moment-my-moment. This book is a wonderful presentation of truths for any believer desiring to use his or her life to impact the world for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The Heavens Proclaim Your Glory, created and compiled by Lisa Stilwell

The Heavens Proclaim Your Glory, created and compiled by Lisa Stilwell is a beautiful and fascinating display of God’s wondrous creation in outer space. Displayed in a very attractive table-top or gift format, stunning pictures courtesy of NASA are printed alongside scriptures and quotes from various individuals which point the reader to glorifying the Lord in utter incredulousness at His creative design and workings in our Earth and solar system, as well as galaxies beyond which we cannot even begin to comprehend with the naked eye while stargazing. The reader will find it impossible not to pause and worship our great God as they view and read this compilation.

It is also filled with incredible facts, such as the speed of the Hubble Telescope. Amazing and mind-boggling information is found within these pages! We both greatly enjoyed this book and look forward to sharing it with our children as they grow.

We did notice one minor aspect of this book that we feel detracts from its ease and beauty. Many of the pictures are printed on glossy paper, and we noticed visible fingerprints just from leafing through this work. But that is minor, particularly when we found The Heavens Declare Your Glory to be such as excellent book, and believe anyone would desire to have a copy for his or her own personal library. Very well done!

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

I review for BookSneeze

27 August, 2010

Stress Free Life, by Bishop Bonnie Etta

Stress Free Life: Seven Keys to Extraordinary Life was written by Bishop Bonnie Etta and is a book I received through the author’s agent. I had never heard of either the author nor of the church he pastors and founded, The World Vision International Worship Center in Beltsville, Maryland

I found it to be an “inspirational” read with insight into the lives and struggles of others gained by much interaction. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying God’s peace in our lives and enjoying the life He has given to us rather than being consumed by stress and conflict. I read his points on loving the Lord, forgiving offenders (as well as ourselves), walking in Truth and in The Spirit, desiring unity, showing appreciation and gratitude, cultivating relationships through communication, choosing our life’s destiny (which admittedly I had strong disagreements with), breaking satanic ties and walking in blessing, strategic praying, anointing, success in life and how to acquire it, faith, grace, and vision & purpose.

I am unsure, however, about the author’s theological background, and experienced much hesitation while reading this book. Although I read statements on loving the Lord and His Word and trusting Him to work His plan in our lives, and he stated that we are saved and washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and mentions being “born again” when stating that becoming a child of God has to do with transformation and a baptism, I failed to read of God’s complete sovereignty over our lives, and how it is through faith alone that we are saved, that we are bought with a price, and that our purpose on life is to glorify God and make much of Him – regardless of the circumstances He in His love and mercy places us in. Additionally, I was deeply troubled by references leading the reader to believe that God’s intentions for us are those of health, wealth, and success – that we simply need to claim them as our covenental rights as a child of God, and I was also stunned by the statement that poverty is offensive to God and born out of unbiblical life practices. Although I respect the author’s time and effort invested into this writing, I will not recommend it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others, by Patricia A. Ennis and Lisa Tatlock

Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others, is co-authored by Patricia A. Ennis and Lisa Tatlock. With ties to the Home Economics Departments at The Master’s College, as (respectively) chairwoman and educator, this topic is one that they are passionate about and desire that every woman desiring to please God in every aspect of her life would grasp a hold of. They have written this book as a heart-study in the biblical mandate of Christian hospitality, with much thought to application and biblical study as well as in-depth experience in the area of homemaking.

As a relatively new homemaker I can only wish to have spent some of my single years under their tutelage, but through this book still have opportunity! As I read, I learned not only what true and genuine Christian hospitality is and how I can cultivate it in my own life and home, but also many practical hints and advice on beginning and implementation. From recipes, to household tips, to menu planning, to being a wise steward with given funds, to even fun themes such as hosting a Tea Party, I was intrigued, and my desire to have my home as an outreach to encourage believers and lead the lost to the Savior was renewed. Excellent book for every Christian woman – regardless of marital status, whether you live in a small apartment (such as myself) or a sprawling estate, have children running around, or live in a rural or urban setting. ☺

* I have written this post due to my enjoyment of this book and have received no product or payment in compensation.

Lee: A Life of Virtue, by John Perry

Lee: A Life of Virtue, is written by John Perry and is a part of the series titled The Generals. When I first saw this book listed on Thomas Nelson’s website, I was so excited and hoped that I would be able to receive a copy to review! I have long admired General Robert E. Lee for his loyalty to God, family, wise discernment and yes, even as military defender for the right. My hope was that this book would portray him as the true gentleman he was, and I was thrilled as I finished the book to have indeed read a wonderful memoir.

I enjoyed reading of his family’s incredible political history, with deep familial roots to the “Old Dominion”. How even as a boy he was raised with a deep defense of liberty and justice. How he cared for his ailing mother, excelled at military academy, and won the heart of his beloved wife, Mary Custis Lee. I also read of his military accomplishments, of both low (at which time he also cared for the estate of Arlington) and high points in his military career – from battles in Mexico and in western territory to the battlefields of Gettysburg, where he fought as a General, defending his native state Virginia, as a part of the Confederate States of America. It tells vividly of the turmoil he felt over a divided nation, and of concern for his wife and children. It concludes with General Lee’s life following the war, and is overall an honorable and fascinating book. I would love to see one written on General “Stonewall” Jackson!

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.

I review for BookSneeze

The Chase, by Jerry Bridges with Jay and Jen Howver

The Chase, written by Jerry Bridges with Jay and Jen Howver is a contemporary adaption of The Pursuit of Holiness, a well-known classic also published by NavPress. Anyone who desires that their life reflect more of the image of the Lord Jesus Christ and are willing to begin the process of Holiness by having a heart yearning to do the will of God and to please Him and glorify Him in every aspect of their lives will benefit from the wisdom given, and biblical truths taught, in this book. As I read this book, many Scriptures were brought to the forefront of my mind, as I was reminded of essential truths such as: I am responsible for my actions, and have the provision of God’s provision and unmerited grace to live in accordance with His will; Sin cannot tell me how to live (Romans 6:14); That victory and a holy life can be mine through the purity of Christ; and That I am commanded to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16).

This book was easily read and I can see it being especially popular amongst younger readers as well as busy individuals due to its short chapters, which range from 2-12 pages each. I would recommend The Chase for personal reading as well as for a small group study.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

A Praying Life, by Paul E. Miller

A Praying Life, written by Paul E. Miller is for those believers who desire to know God in a fuller way by deepening their prayer life as it draws the reader into the heart and reality of prayer by reviewing frequent “prayer hang-ups” as well as common distractions. As I read this book, I was given many glimpses into the author’s own journey towards a fulfilling, joyful and vibrant prayer life through the personal examples of him and his family. I think many parents will be able to relate to his thoughts and struggles, particularly those who have a special-needs or developmentally delayed child.

I believe many readers will find his advice and directives towards the use of helpful prayer tools that he uses in his own life, such as building and keeping a prayer journal and compiling prayer cards. As a very visual person, I appreciated how he not only described these tools, but he also gave illustrated examples. I found this book to be informative and practical, perhaps because it was derived from notes used for his growing PrayerLife Seminar, which he began to encourage other believers to see the importance of prayer and the joy that it brings, and has also guided many to achieving it and strengthening it in their lives.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”