Great Parents Lousy Lovers, by Gary Smalley with Ted Cunningham, is written in the typical enjoyable-to-read fashion for which this popular marriage & family author and speaker is well-known for. This book is for those, like myself, who find themselves with the demands of a busy home life with energetic children, as the authors implore parents to put their own relationship first, and to be an example to their children of what a fulfilling marriage can be, thus avoiding many pitfalls and hardships that can easily spring up unawares. They share from personal lessons and examples of how they learned that it is possible to be both a great parent and a great lover, as long as they were sure to put God at the forefront and abide by biblical roles for husbands, wives, and children. Having a daughter of my own, I couldn’t help but smile at the illustration given by Ted to his own young daughter as he explained to her that in their home, Mommy was the Queen, but that she as the daughter got to be the princess – a little girl’s dream fulfilled while at the same time reinforcing a very important truth!
Engaging and sometimes rather witty, we laughed as we read the subtitles of each chapter, which were along the lines of “You might be a Great Parent but a Lousy Lover if…” I believe this book would be helpful for all couples to read, and even though I may not agree with all the “reasons” that might cause you to perhaps be “a lousy lover,” I still think there are many great truths and principles in this book that all husbands and wives can apply in their marriage as they seek to grow in their love for each other.
*This book was gratefully received from Tyndale Press at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.
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