Seeds of Turmoil, written by Pastor Bryant Wright, is a fascinating book telling of the biblical roots of the crisis in the Middle East. Through historical and biblical illustrations, the reader will discover that although the conflict rages today, it is hardly a new trouble that brews. Beginning with Abraham’s disobedience to the Lord in taking matters into his own hands of means of providing himself an heir, the author skillfully traces through the ages the conflict and God’s hand amidst it all. Not only will you gain understanding of the relationship between the Jewish and Islamic religions, but also of the differences between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
I found this book to be very well written and appreciate the added insights the author provided through maps and scriptural references. He addresses the issue of Middle Eastern conflict with honesty, respect, and boldness. With a subject that can at times be frightening and unknown, he provided a faith-building narrative that will bring wisdom, hope, and renewed faith that the Lord is sovereign over all the affairs of men. This book will give the reader renewed focus for praying for the nation of Israel and all Jews, as well as for Christian believers and for Muslims as we await the second coming of Jesus Christ.
*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.
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