Unto the Hills, is a year-long devotional written and compiled by Billy Graham, the well-known and respected evangelist, famous for his crusades which have been held all over the world and attended by current and past generations. This book is a reprint of the original that was published twenty-five years ago. The reader will enjoy a short and inspiring daily reading from which they will find a text, message, and closing prayer. Throughout the course of the year, this book covers a wide variety of topics and the reader will have much to gain from this beloved pastor who has a long lifetime of experience in ministry and in sharing about the Lord.
I found this devotional to be a good choice for a reader wanting something that will inspire them for the day and provide food for thought that would direct them to thinking of the Lord and His Word. Although the daily texts aren’t especially deep, profound, or new, I did not discover them to be incredibly trivial. The truths given will benefit the reader regardless of age, ethnicity, position, or walk in life. That is the beauty of God’s Word, which will never return void.
I found the short memoir to his late wife, Ruth, to be beautiful as he expressed how she invested in the original compilation of this book and shared his joy at being reunited with her soon in Heaven.
*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.
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