27 October, 2010

A Child's Introduction to Tea

This was a charming and simple book in which children will learn some basics of tea and the joys of partaking it with friends. I loved the illustrations! Whether basic etiquette to table settings to conversational skills, this books depicts wonderfully the art of tea. I can hardly wait until my little girl is old enough to share tea parties with her dolls and myself!

This book can be found HERE.

* I received a complimentary copy of A Child's Introduction to Tea as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit dorrancebookstore.com to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

I Lift Up My Soul, by Charles Stanley

I Lift Up My Soul, written by Pastor Charles Stanley, is a year-long devotional compiled with the desire of drawing the reader into a deeper knowing of the Lord. Each day you will discover, or be reminded of, truths of God and our relationship with Him as you read an excerpt from one of Dr. Stanley's earlier books. Although I had heard him speak before, I hadn't personally read any of his books, so I was interested in obtaining this particular one and was happy that Booksneeze chose to make it available.

To truly gain the message as the author intends, these type of books are best read slowly in their daily format, but even with quickly reading it through I was impressed by the wisdom, depth (considering each day covers only a page), and variety of topics found within. Each day is based upon a select Scripture reading as well as a key verse. Though these devotionals ought to never take the place of spending time alone in God's Word hearing directly from Him, I see this particular book as an excellent way to draw ones focus onto the Redeemer of our Soul, and will look forward to taking a moment sometime during the day to read the daily passage.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


21 October, 2010

God’s Mighty Acts in Creation, by Starr Meade

God’s Mighty Acts in Creation, is written by Starr Meade who guides children in exploring the six days of creation as they learn more about their heavenly Father and learn to see Him in the world around them. Written for ages 8-12, this book would be suitable as a devotional to be read to children of any age – I greatly enjoyed it myself! It is an excellent book for every family to own and learn from.

The book consists of forty-five short chapters, each containing a Scripture passage and application questions, and is divided into the six days of creation. I love how the author didn’t just simply stop there, rather, she uses these six days as a springboard from which to explore many passages taken from throughout the Bible, all tying in to that particular day while teaching who God is. For example, your children will discover ways we can serve and love the Lord, truths of His character and provision, ways we can bring Him glory through our lives, His sovereignty (and even creatively shows an example for each day of how God usurped the “normal” to show His power, such as how Daniel was kept safe from the lions when he was cast into the den), and the message of salvation.

I appreciated the author’s obvious heart for children and her concern in teaching them solid truths of God and His Word. She uses descriptive imagery to capture the reader’s attention as she shares her love of the gospel with them through the words she thoughtfully penned.

Check out some other fantastic reviews at www.crossway.org/blog!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Crossway Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Topical Memory System, developed by The Navigators

Topical Memory System, developed by The Navigators here in Colorado Springs, is an excellent tool for helping us to store up the Word of God in our hearts. I was excited about the possibility of reviewing this item because memorization is something I struggle with, and am eager for help! This system includes a 30-week workbook, a vinyl verse card holder, and 60 printed Scripture verses on various topics of importance to a believer such as Living the New Life, Proclaiming Christ, Relying on God’s Resources, Being Christ’s Disciples, and Growing in Christ-likeness.  Each verse is printed on eight separate cards, each one with a different translation. The translations currently included in this system are: NIV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, MSG, ESV, NRSV & NLT.

Although I’ve found that for me, writing the verse down myself on an index card helps me recall it better, the idea and goal of daily memorization and meditation is the same. I really liked how the workbook that comes as a part of this system guides the user as they learn to make this a daily part of their life, and as they experience the growth and joy that comes as you treasure of the Word of God.  It is very easy to understand, and they offer much insight into reflection on the various topics. By using the approach of 1-2 verses a week and having it on an individual compact card, one will find that it is very convenient to simply review throughout the day. Thank you, NavPress, for making this available!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


18 October, 2010

The Grace of God, by Andy Stanley

The Grace of God, authored by Pastor Andy Stanley (of Atlanta, Georgia), is a study taken from many of his sermons on grace and will allow you to delve into this truth of God as you discover His grace in your life and how it manifests itself through scripture passages, lives written of in the Bible, and in your own heart.  You will encounter many individuals of various backgrounds who experienced the grace of God in their lives in remarkable ways, whether King David, or the Samaritan woman at the well.

I like that - partly due in large measure to the fact that the chapters were derived from sermons - this book is thoughtfully concise and in written with remarkable depth into gaining a heart for the ways of God. My faith was encouraged as I read, and I was challenged to have a heart pure before the Lord, to be a vessel of honor which his grace can pour through, not just for myself, but to those He sovereignly places in my daily life. A wonderful read for every believer, as well as for the searching soul who is wondering if God really can work in a life that is far from perfect – which of course the answer to that can only be a resounding and firm “yes!”

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


16 October, 2010

Really Wooly Bible Stories, by Bonnie Rickner Jensen

Really Wooly Bible stories, is written by Bonnie Rickner Jensen who uses whimsical poetry and simple words to tell well-known Bible stories to young children. Perhaps recognizing the lovable lamb, rabbit and duck from other “Wooly” books, a child will read or hear about Creation, Jonah, the birth and resurrection of Jesus, as well as other favorite stories. Julie Sawyer Phillips, using a blend of soft and vibrant colors, which may provide interest to even the youngest of children, illustrates each story. I read several of poems to my 1-year old daughter, and well… she especially enjoyed seeing the lamb. But what can one expect from a young child who loves to make farm sounds?

The format for this children’s book is the common hard “board book” style, with the exception that the cover is padded. I admit that I have my doubts as to its durability, but then we are working on trying to teach our child to treat books gently, so it might just be me. J  This book would be a wonderful welcome-to-our-world, baptism, or dedication gift for a precious newborn baby, and would also be appreciated by older toddlers and even early readers with the singsong rhymes.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.


11 October, 2010

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity, by Cynthia Heald

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity, written by Cynthia Heald is the second of her devotional books for women that I have had the pleasure to review. As a mother to young children, I was grateful for the assurance that this godly mentor provided through her book to me, in that she esteemed this “simple though lonely” time in my life where I am able to love on my husband and children without the pressure of ministry or outside work commitments. That it is okay for me to have them as my focus and keep my heart before the Lord through personal times of devotion and quietness, even in my calendar isn’t full with things other than laundry, dirty diapers, dishes and dinner, and doctor appointments.

This devotional would be appropriate for a woman of any age, and can be completed either in one’s own personal time or during times of fellowship with others as you work through it together. Each of the eleven chapters include “Words From an Older Woman” (based off of the command for the older women to train the younger), Scripture verses for meditation and further insight, questions and suggestions for applications and reflection, suggested memory passages, and applicable quotes from other Christian authors. I enjoyed this book and will definitely be going through the devotional again as the truths and concepts are essential yet ones I can so quickly forget when life is busy or I’m feeling lost in obscurity.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


The International Children’s Bible Holy Bible

The International Children’s Bible Holy Bible is designed and formatted especially for children and written in a language geared towards a third grade reading level. This particular edition has many vivid illustrations portraying various bible stories, created in a way to artistically capture a child’s attention and imagination.

I would have preferred that this Bible be hardcover bound, seeing how kids can be with books, particularly one that they will be encouraged to reach for daily. I feel that, being paperback, it has the potential to wear too quickly. But that is simply personal preference and I do like the vivid red chosen for the cover, which will aid a child in quickly recognizing which Bible is his or hers. Additionally, I’m also not sure that having an edition like this is really necessary. I read the New King James version from a very young age and did not have difficulty understanding, and when the time comes for my daughter to be at the age to being reading, I want her to be unafraid of difficult words. My wife and I are excited about taking time to teach them to her and explain them so she understands their meaning and concept. So seemingly difficult words, especially theological, would only serve as springboards for discussion, even though we will probably give her an ESV edition in her favorite color.

*This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson at no cost in exchange for my agreement to post this review.