This book is an eye-opener. If you have no desire to discover the truth about what you may really be eating – you might want to just skip over it. However, if your desire is fill yourself and your family with food that is satisfying as well as nutritious so that you can live a healthier life, you will find this book to be a helpful and informative resource. The focus isn’t on supplements or diets, but rather a concept of “Real Foods.” This concept is simple – eating foods as God intended! And as you’ll read in the book, it sounds quite delicious.
This book is chock-full of information. I bought it along with another of her books, “Real Food for Mother and Baby.” I found the information to be repeated in both, thought perhaps some of the details given in “Real Food” we left out of the one for mother and baby just for condensations sake so that pages could be devoted to prenatal health and an infant's first foods. They both emphasize the need our bodies have for whole milk, butter vs. margarine, good fats vs. bad, clean fruits and vegetables, etc. It also exposes many lies promoted by the health & diet industry and offers a solution to achieving optimum health and a balanced weight through wise choices in regards to what we serve for our meals. You’ll never view food in the same way again!
This is what the cover of "Real Food for Mother and Baby" looks like:
* I have written this post due to my enjoyment of this book and have received no product or payment in compensation.